Friday, July 8, 2016

Large parties, belts, item pricing.

Work has been slow, this time because family on my wife's side was over for vacation.

But I have done some stuff since last Friday.

First off, the quest system now supports of to five party members:

This poor slime does not stand a chance.
Also, I added belts to the stock of the store and made a new store:

Now displaying belts.
Also, I did a lot of tweaking to the item prices. I wanted the item cost to scale linearly as you went up through the game, so I figured out what level I wanted the player to get each item at (let's call that number "L" ) and then make the cost of an item = C * L, where L is a constant. Looks like a lienar scaling, right?

On the contrary, you gain levels more slowly as you advance through the game, making your level over the course of time look kind of like a square-root curve. The cost of items is linear with respect to level, but *not* with respect to game time! To solve this issue, I had to change the item formula to something that looked like cost = C + (B * L^2), and that straightened it right out. Now, items scale quadratically with respect to level, but linearly with respect to game time. This has the end effect of making items cheaper near the beginning and more expensive later on.

In the end, this should remove player frustration, make it so I need to give less gold in chests near the beginning, and make the item formula scale better into late game.

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